Maintenance Event appearing under wrong Equipment Type

Use this method to fix the issue when Maintenance Event is appearing under wrong Equipment group in Aircraft Gantt

VLI is our freighter (73Y).
In one session VLI appears twice, once as a 733 and again as a 73Y, in other session (at same time) VLI correctly appears once.
The issue seems to point to a maintenance puck in which the aircraft type associated with VLI is a 737-300 passenger aircraft.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Check out the maintenance which is appearing under wrong Equipment.
  2. Check the EquipmentType linked with the EquipmentRego in question using the below query

    select * from dbo.equipmentrego where rego='VH-VLI'
  3. Now look for details of the maintenance event in question  in dbo.maintenance table

    select * from dbo.maintenanceitem where description='A Check' and startdate='2017-09-16 21:00:00.000'
  4. From the above query find out the maintenancetemplateid and check the EqyipmentTypeId linked to it

    select * from dbo.maintenancetemplate where id=1
  5. If it doesn't match the one found in step 2. Use the below script to update it to correct one.

    update dbo.maintenancetemplate set equipmenttypeid='' where id=1
  6. Log out and login again to Silver light app to test the fix.