OTT report values

The values on the OTT report are computed based on the values in different fields on AircraftFollow, Port Turn Around Configuration, and the OTT report window.

OTT report values

How the values are computed

OTT report values

How the values are computed


Sum of the TurnArounds in minutes/Total count of flights.


Total difference of Arrival Actual and Departure Actual values


TurnArounds in munutes / Count of TA

Example: BKK-UTH and UTH-BKK

  • Flight 208 BKK-UTH actual arrival time 11:30 , onward flight 209 UTH-BKK actual departure time 11:40= Turnaround time =11:40-11:30 =00:10

  • Flight 204 BKK-UTH actual arrival time 15:10 , onward flight 205 UTH-BKK actual departure time 15:30 = Turnaround time = 15:30- 15:10 = 00: 20

  • AverageTurnsInMinutes = 00:10 +00:20 = 00:30/2 flights (209 and 205 for UTH port) = 00:15


Number of flights where the Turn Around is greater than the minimum turn around.

Minimum Turn Around

Port Turn Around Operational

Port Turn Around Configuration

Note: The port, equipment type, and route type should match that of the flight.


Total Flights - DelayedTurns


100 * (DelayedTurns / Total)


100 * (Total - DelayedTurns) / Total