
What is AircraftPortal?

AircraftPortal captures aircraft operations data in order to provide ground services with up-to-date information.  Aircraft data is captured via standard Internet browsers for distribution to other merlot systems.   AircraftPortal is designed for light, read-only interaction.  There are some instances where airline designated users may have permission to update actual arrival and departure times and delay information.

What is the difference between AircraftPortal and AircraftFollow?

AircraftFollow provides a real-time graphical representation of your airline's live status for the day. It reports on disruptions, such as late running aircraft, and provides accurate and timely information to improve the decision support process. AircraftFollow also includes comprehensive Minimum Equipment List (MEL) and Maintenance planning management data. AircraftFollow is designed for interaction in the airline's Operations Control Centre (OCC).

 AircraftPortal is designed for light access and read-only interaction for ground services.

The following video shows a demonstration of the AircraftPortal application.


The following sections provide further information about AircraftPortal: