Merlot Aero APIs for Integrators

This guide is for Integrators to access API methods that we make available to them via API Management.

Step 1: Log into API Developer Portal

Open API Developer Portal here:

Developer Portal URL

Developer Portal URL would be provided along with your login credentials, for example:



Please refer to the Developer Portal for an up-to-date list of available APIs.

If you have other API requirements that are not available via the Developer Portal, please contact our project team or customer success team to discuss your uses cases and to provision other APIs.

First time user?

Merlot Aero may have created your developer portal account and sent you the initial password. Otherwise, you could sign up for an account here using your email address first, then let us know and we would provision the correct APIs to this account.

Step 2: Get your Subscription Key

Go to the Profile page to get your Subscription Key. You'll need to include this in the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key HTTP Header for every API request.

Step 3: Get Access Token (OAuth)

Call the Token method with your credentials to get your access token. Save this access token and include it in the HTTP Header when you make other API requests. You may skip this step if you're using Sample data only, or only calling API methods that does not require authentication.

These tokens are compliant with OAuth standards, check online for further details about OAuth. Access tokens have an expiry time. If it expires, you'd need to get another one using your credentials or the refresh token provided.

Step 4: Use Your API

Go to the APIs page in Developer Portal to view details of the API methods, including its request and response parameters.

All API requests must include a Subscription Key in the HTTP header. In addition, API requests that require authentication must include an Authorization header (access token).

Base URL

Example Base URL - refer to Developer Portal for applicable URLs for your environments:

API Request HTTP Header
Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer (replace with access token) Cache-Control: no-cache Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: (replace with key from Developer Portal) Sample: 1 (include this line to get sample data only, omit this line to get actual data) Env: (replace with environment code as provided by Merlot Aero)

Click the Try it button to make a sample API call. Remember to include either your access token or the Sample: 1 Header.

You could also try the APIs via the Postman app:

Since these APIs are standard HTTP requests, your chosen programming or scripting language should have suitable HTTP Client or network libraries for you to make HTTP requests.

For example, if you're using .Net C# as your HTTP client, you may find these sample code useful:

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.