How to: Use the Trade Board Feature

The "Trade Board" is a CrewPortal feature which allows a crew member to post unwanted pairings for the information of other crew. The feature allows other crew to submit offers on posted pairings, including the provision of "counter offers". The initiating crew member can then select from a collection of trade offers based on their preference. The Trade Board also lists available "open time" pairings (you can read more about this feature here).

Step-by-step Guide

Crew A (Initiator)

  1. After logging on to CrewPortal, (Please see: How to: Login to CrewPortal), select the ‘Trip Trade’ icon, select ‘New Trade’, then the duty to be traded. Select the ‘Next’ button to proceed.

  2. Add a Title and Description to the ‘New Swap’ form and select ‘Submit’.

  3. The new swap will then be displayed in ‘My Trades’.

    Crew B (Searcher)

  4. Access the ‘Trade Board’ through the Actions menu. Select the relevant hyperlink in the pairings column.

  5. Check the box for the pairing being offered to Crew A, then select 'Submit Offer'.

  6. Enter comment and submit.

    Crew C

  7. Check the box for the pairing being offered to Crew A, then select 'Submit Offer'

  8. Enter comment and submit.

    Crew D

  9. Check the box for the pairing being offered to Crew A, then select submit offer.

  10. Enter comment and submit.

    Crew A

  11. The 3 offers from Crew B, C and D are displayed in ‘My Inbox’.

  12. The ‘My Trades’ option on the Actions menu displays any offers made and gives the user the options ‘Accept Offer’ or ‘Decline Offer’.

  13. The below screenshot shows the result of declining the offers from Crew B and C, and accepting the offer made by Crew D.

  14. My trades will display ‘Declined’ as the status to the crew members with unsuccessful offers.

  15. My trades will display ‘Success’ as the status to the crew member with the successful offer.