Gantt Flight time and Rules Flight time totals mismatch

Explanation when there is an issue/discrepancy of total flight time between CrewMonitor and CrewFollow-Allocation Gantt not being consistent.

For example: 

In Crew Monitor: flight total is 106:37

While in the CrewFollow Allocation Gantt total displays 107:20


  1. The totals calculation in the gantt was designed for equalization, and should include duties that start on the inclusive dates specified by the filter. 
  2. A duty that start prior to the start of the filter, even if that duty continues into the filtered range will not be used for calculating the totals. 
  3. If a duty that ends after the end of the filter data will be included in the totals calculation. In this case, 0303 pairing on 27th Nov ends 45 min past midnight. Hence the Total flight calculation was 107:05 hours. 
  4. However the same logic is not linked or intended to be linked to the rules interpretations. The rule takes into account 29 Oct 00:00 to 27 Nov 23:59 hence, that 45 mins was excluded in the flight totals during rules validation. So the total flight time = 106:20 hours

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