How to Resolve - No Roster Period Violations issue

Possible root cause for this issue -This issue generally occurs when EmployeeRoster records are missing for any particular crew for the rosterperiod violation is occurring

Step-by-step guide to Investigate and Fixing this issue

  1. Look for the rosterperiodid for which violation is occurring using the below script

    select * from dbo.rosterperiod
  2. Look for the employeeid for which violation is occurring using the below script

    select * from dbo.employee where empcode='XYZ'

  3. Check if there are employeeroster records for the period in question

    select * from employeeroster where employeeid='ABC' and rosterperiodid>='X'
  4.  If you find those missing, you need to drop the employeeroster and rosterperiod records from the time its missing for any particular employee using the below scripts

    delete from dbo.employeeroster where rosterperiodid>'X'
    delete from rosterperiod where id>'X'
  5. Go to UI > Configure > Employee > Employee Rosters > Roster Period Definition  and Click on Generate Roster Period button (highlighted in yellow below)

  6. It will prompt below window with the records missing the Roster Periods, and HIT SAVE. This would re-create the records in EmployeeRoster table

  7. Verify the same using the below script

    select * from employeeroster where employeeid='ABC' and rosterperiodid>='X'