How to: calculate OTP and OTT

Can you please define the following items from the Exec OTP report and how they are calculated:

OTP versus OTT
How is the % calculated for each of these?
Is delayed taking into consideration all delays or just what is requested on the specific report (e.g. delays over 15 minutes)

Step-by-step guide

OTP is calculated based on Total On-Time Flights divided by the Total number of local time midnight to midnight active flights
Total Flight for departure of 1st Sep= 64
Total number of flights delayed greater than 15 min = 32
OTP = (64-32)/64 x 100% = 50%

OTT is computed based on the number of turnarounds that are within the minimum turn around value divided by the total number of turnarounds. 

On-Time TurnAround = 24 which means (Next Flight Departure not delayed and Actual TAT <= Min TAT defined in Port Turn Around config)
Total Number of Turnaround Flights = 50
OTT = 24/50 x 100% = 48%

It takes 2 steps to calculate the Flight OTT value -

1) If difference between next flight scheduled and actual departure time is greater than 0 then next flight is delayed else its on-time
2) If next flight is delayed OR actual turn around time greater than minimun turn around time then flight isn't on time turn around, otherwise flight is on time.

Please, note that actual turn around time is a difference between flight actual arrival and next flight actual departure time.