How to configure Peak Holiday Period preference in Crew Portal

The purpose of the Peak Request Period feature is to allow crew members to set their highest priority period in Crew Portal.

Step-by-step guide

1. In Configure>>Employee>>Employee>>Request periods, create a Peak request profile

2. Click on Peak Request Periods under Employee Requests in the Employee menu.

To set-up a peak request period:

  1. Select <<Add new>> from the Request Period Profile drop-down menu.

  2. Enter a profile name in the Edit Profile Name

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter a name for the peak request period.

  5. Select the Active

  6. Click on the Plus (+) sign to expand the row.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Select Start and End dates using the drop-down calendars.

  9. Click Save.

3. Define and assign to an employee department

4. Go to Crew Portal>> click Preferences>>select Request Settings.

Select a preference from Peak holiday period preference>>click Save.

Each employee can select or be assigned one peak period as special priority request day for the year.

Once selected, peak period preference will be updated in the Peak Request Preference of the Employee details section.


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